Η εξέταση NOCN στο Reading αποτελείται από 4 κείμενα.   

Το 1ο και το 2ο κείμενο κείμενα περιέχουν 10 ερωτήματα το κάθε ένα.Τα κείμενα 3 & 4 περιέχουν 5 ερωτήματα 

Ο στόχος της εξέτασης είναι η κατανόηση του σκοπού του κειμένου, ο εντοπισμός και η εξαγωγή συγκεκριμένων πληροφοριών, η περίληψη αλληλουχία πληροφοριών, η αναγνώριση γεγονότων, η αναγνώριση γνώμης, η χρήση λεξιλογίου, ορθογραφίας και στίξης και ο εντοπισμός γραμματικών λαθών.


Παράδειγμα του 1ου κειμένου της εξέτασης Reading για το πτυχίο NOCN Lower Β2
(το κείμενο που ακολουθεί είναι ένα μέρος του 1ου κειμένου)

Read the text about electronic cigarettes and answer the questions on the following page.

Tobacco users worldwide are finally discovering the Electronic Cigarette. People
working in small towns and big cities to the biggest movie stars are using them, but
are they really a _________ and cheaper alternative to traditional cigarettes? Can
they be the answer to quitting smoking? Actual users say they’re now enjoy this
healthier cigarette without the bad smell, second-hand smoke, and most importantly
the cancer causing chemicals. With these big claims, we decided to investigate the
new technology for our readers.

Let’s look at some of the claims of the electronic cigarette:

Contains zero tar, tobacco, carbon monoxide, and ash.
Delivers the same amount of nicotine as real cigarettes.
Can be used in bars, airports, restaurants.
Each cartridge costs less than £2 and is equivalent to an entire pack of
Average users can save over £1,000 each year.
You won't "smell" like a smoker any longer.
Emits harmless water vapour. No second-hand smoke.

1. According to the article, which statement is true?
a. Electronic Cigarettes are healthy and expensive
b. Electronic Cigarettes can be used in public places
c. Electronic Cigarettes are nicotine free
d. Electronic Cigarettes are used by people in towns only

6. A word has been omitted in line 2. The word should be:
a. Health
b. Healthy
c. Healthier
d. Unhealthy

7. There is a grammatical mistake:
a. In line 2
b. In line 4
c. In line 6
d. In line 9